Reclaim Your Life with Poise Impressa!
Saturday, January 16, 2016This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.
Pre-children, I was super-active. I enjoyed working out, jogging, and doing yoga with my girlfriends. Post-children it was not so pretty.
I remember times when my mom would laugh too hard or sneeze and then run to the bathroom, and I don't know why, but I thought that was something that only older women had to deal with. Nope. After my first child, I started leaking a little if I had a full bladder when I did anything strenuous. The only solution seemed to be wearing pads or having surgery, but not anymore. Poise has developed a bladder support that keeps leaks from even happening!
1 in 3 women suffer from SUI. That is a lot of women. Why don't we hear more about it? There seems to be a taboo around talking about incontinence, which is ridiculous since so many women suffer from it. It can be caused by pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, medical conditions, or even some surgeries. It doesn't have to be embarrassing, and now there is a way to keep it from happening instead of absorbing it with a pad.
The Sizing Kit comes with 2 of each size: 1 (low support), 2 (medium support), & 3 (high support). You start with size 1, and if that solves your leakage problem, you're a size 1, and you'll buy your Impressa in a size 1 package. If you need a little more support, move up to size 2. If you need more support than that, move up to size 3. You want to stop going up in size once the problem is solved.
I feel so much more confident and you can too. Take back the things you love to do! Get fit, dress up and go out, play with the kids; You won't have to worry about leaks anymore! I can't wait to get back in the gym and not have to be embarrassed about wearing a pad. If you're anything like me, Impressa can change your life.
This product is for SUI (Stress Urinary Incontinence), so if your issue is that you get a sudden need to urinate (Urge Urinary Incontinence, or UUI) this product is not for you.
Do you suffer from SUI? What activities would you reclaim if you didn't have to worry about leaks? Do you think the Poise Impressa would fit into your lifestyle? I love to hear your comments!