Southern Mom Loves: Valentine's Lunchbox Note Jokes {Free Printable}

Valentine's Lunchbox Note Jokes {Free Printable}

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

With Valentine's Day fast approaching, I thought I would create another set of fun lunchbox note jokes for the kids! Stick one in your child's lunchbox daily to give them a giggle and get them in the spirit of the holiday.

If you start these on Friday, there will be one note for each school day, ending on Valentine's Day. Start by printing out one note page for each child. Get the printable pdf here (the quality will be better than printing the image below), and print it at "Fit to Page."

The solution is printed small and upside-down, so there's no seeing the answer until they're ready!

All you need to do is cut them out along the lines and they're ready to stick in a lunchbox.

For instructions on how to fold the silverware holder serviette, check out this post.

I hope your child enjoys these as much as mine does!


Do your kids take their lunch? Do you think they would like to find one of these jokes inside? I love to read your comments!

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