Southern Mom Loves: Ban Bad Breath

Ban Bad Breath

Saturday, February 10, 2018

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

You guys, I recently discovered a product and I'm so excited to share it with you! You probably know you should be brushing your tongue, but maybe you didn't know that the bacteria on your tongue can cause gum disease and affect your body's health, too. Also, for me, it's a gag-inducing experience. This brush is designed to clean your tongue better than a toothbrush without gagging and coupled with their zinc-based gel will help ban bad breath forever! (I've got an exclusive discount code for you plus a chance to win a $250 Amazon gift card!) [CLOSED]

This is the TUNG Brush. Looks simple, right? It is simple, but it's designed to be able to get to the back of your tongue where the majority of the bacteria and the debris it feeds upon is located, but without gagging you, and it totally works! I am a major gagger, but not with the TUNG Brush.

A few fun facts:
  • 90% of the odor-causing bacteria responsible for bad breath are found in biofilms on the tongue
  • Most of the “halitosis smell” is actually sulfur gases released by these bacteria
  • Brushing your teeth and using mouthwash are not sufficient to remove these colonies of bacteria
  • Using a tongue scraper only removes a portion of the “tongue plaque” — much of it is located down in crevices unreachable by a scraper

Biofilms are colonies of tenacious masses of bacteria that are the major contributors to bad breath and gum disease located in the nooks and crannies of the tongue and due to their genetic and physical makeup, these colonies of bacteria are 1,500 times more tolerant to antibiotics, antibacterial agents and the body’s immune system, than bacteria not in colony form.

That means that effectiveness of mouthwashes and antibacterial agents is very limited in the fight against bad breath. They typically provide only a mask to the odor and not a real solution to the problem. Physical removal is the only effective way to penetrate and break up the mass.

Research shows that the bacteria on the tongue is one of the primary factors directly responsible for the onset of gum disease. Gum disease is like an open wound in the mouth and provides a gateway for bacteria to reach the bloodstream. Research has shown that gum disease is directly linked to a wide variety of serious health conditions such as heart disease, esophageal cancer, early births, diabetes and respiratory complications.

So take care, y'all. It's not just about bad breath, but your overall health. Brushing your tongue is so easy to do and it makes such a big difference. The brush breaks through the biofilm coating and the TUNG Gel, which contains Zinc Chloride and is minty and refreshing, neutralizes the gases produced by the bacteria for a one-two punch.

Enter for your chance to win a $250 Amazon Gift Card!  [CLOSED]

TUNG wants your help to decide which colors they should put on the market. To be in the drawing to win a $250 Amazon gift card, vote for your favorite TUNG Brush color here!

Would you like a discount on your own TUNG Brush set? Use the code bo92-apou-f6n2 for 10% off + free shipping on a Partner Pack of TUNG Brushes and Gels. That's 2 brushes and 2 tubes of gel!!! If you just want your brushes and don't want to vote, you can redeem the discount code here.

Do you currently brush your tongue? Have you tried the TUNG Brush yet? I love to read your comments!

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