Holiday-Ready: LBL Emergency Kit!
Wednesday, October 26, 2016This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.
With the holiday season fast approaching, most people are imagining cold weather, parties, family gatherings, feasts, and gifts, but 1 out of every 3 women struggling with LBL (light bladder leakage) may not be facing the season with completely positive thoughts. Joyous laughter or a winter sneeze can easily turn into an embarrassing moment. Once again I've partnered with Poise to bring you solutions like this LBL Emergency Kit to get you holiday-ready and worry free!
I believe that us ladies need to stick together, so I really love sharing the solutions I've found to my LBL problem, and the more I talk to other ladies, the more I find that we're all going through this together. With as many as 1 in 3 women with LBL, that's a lot of solidarity!
If you've been reading a while, you know how much I love the Impressa. It stops leaks from even happening, but it can only be worn for up to 8 hours in a 24 hour period, and not while menstruating, so the rest of the time I rely on liners. I used to use regular pantyliners, but they just don't do the job when it comes to LBL. The rate of absorption in regular pantyliners is too slow for LBL, so I use the Poise Microliners, specifically made to help you stay dry and comfortable.
I grab them at Walmart (since I've there a few times a week anyway!) and a box of 50, a 2 month supply, was less than $5!
These are seriously almost as thin as paper! Much thinner than any pantyliner I've ever used, and they're perfect for the occasional leak. If you need a bit more protection, they make the thinnest liners for every level of need.
Another plus is that each pad comes wrapped in a protective cover, so you can throw one in the bottom of your bag and not have to worry about it getting dirty.
Poise is having a Facebook Live event on November 1st here, so you can join in and ask any questions you may have. Before then, you can learn more about Poise Liners here. Choose your weapon, ladies! The best way to battle LBL is by being prepared. You want wonderful memories this holiday season, not memories of having to leave the party early!

- a small cosmetic or toiletry bag
- a Poise Liner
- a travel-sized moist towelette
- an extra pair of undies
- a zip lock sandwich bag
With just a few essentials tucked into a zippered bag, you can make sure that no matter what, you can take care of any oops moment that may happen this holiday season. You don't have to be nervous, just be prepared!
Do you have light bladder leakage? Will you be putting together this emergency kit? I love to read your comments!